Today Y-M-D
Please read carefully:
I voluntarily agree to COVID-19 testing for myself or for my child. I authorize this COVID-19 testing unit to conduct collection and testing for COVID-19 on either myself or my child as ordered by an authorized medical provider or public health official. I understand, as required by law (Utah Administrative Rule R386-702), my or my child’s test results will be disclosed to the county, state, or to other governmental entities. I consent to have my or my child’s test result shared with a designated team representative. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) generally requires that schools notify parents before a disclosure of information from student education records. As a parent or student who has turned 18, you have a right to request a copy of your or your or child’s records that have been disclosed to the Utah Department of Health. I understand the testing unit is not acting as my or my child’s medical provider. This testing does not replace treatment by my or my child’s medical provider, and I assume complete and full responsibility to take appropriate action with regards to my or my child’s test results. I agree to seek medical advice, care, and treatment from my or my child’s medical provider if I have questions or concerns, or if my or my child’s condition worsens. I understand that, as with any medical test, there is the potential for a false positive or false negative COVID-19 test result. I understand that I have the opportunity to ask questions before I sign, and can ask additional questions at any time.
Acepto voluntariamente que se me haga la prueba de COVID-19 a mí o a mi hijo(a). Autorizo a esta unidad de pruebas de COVID-19 a realizar la recolección y las pruebas de COVID-19 en mí o en mi hijo(a) según lo ordene un proveedor médico autorizado o un funcionario de salud pública. Entiendo que, como lo exige la ley (Regla Administrativa de Utah R386-702), los resultados de las pruebas de mi hijo(a) o de mí mismo(a) se divulgarán al condado, al estado o a otras entidades gubernamentales. Doy mi consentimiento para que los resultados de las pruebas de mi hijo(a) sean compartidos con un representante del equipo designado. La Ley de Derechos Educativos y Privacidad de la Familia (FERPA, por sus siglas en inglés) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Parte 99) generalmente requiere que las escuelas notifiquen a los padres antes de que se divulgue información de los registros de educación de los estudiantes. Como padre o estudiante que ha cumplido los 18 años, usted tiene derecho a solicitar una copia de sus registros o los de su hijo(a) que han sido divulgados al Departamento de Salud de Utah.
Entiendo que la unidad de pruebas no está actuando como mi proveedor médico o el de mi hijo(a). Esta prueba no reemplaza el tratamiento de mi proveedor médico o el de mi hijo(a), y asumo la completa y total responsabilidad de tomar las medidas apropiadas con respecto a los resultados de mi prueba o la de mi hijo(a). Estoy de acuerdo en buscar el consejo médico, la atención y el tratamiento de mi proveedor médico o de mi hijo(a) si tengo preguntas o preocupaciones, o si mi condición o la de mi hijo(a) empeora. Entiendo que, al igual que con cualquier prueba médica, existe la posibilidad de que el resultado de la prueba de COVID-19 sea falso positivo o falso negativo. Entiendo que tengo la oportunidad de hacer preguntas antes de firmar, y puedo hacer preguntas adicionales en cualquier momento.
* must provide value
I consent (for myself) (Doy mi consentimiento (por mí)) I consent for my minor child (Doy mi consentimiento por mi hijo menor de edad) I don't consent (No doy mi consentimiento) I consent (for myself) (Doy mi consentimiento (por mí))
I consent for my minor child (Doy mi consentimiento por mi hijo menor de edad)
I don't consent (No doy mi consentimiento)
Please fill out the parent/guardian information
Patient's First NamePrimer nombre
* must provide value
Patient's Last NameApellido
* must provide value
Date of BirthFecha de nacimiento
* must provide value
View equation
Date of birth is in the future. Please add a valid date of birth.
Female (Mujer)
Male (Hombre)
Not Provided (No proporcionado)
Female (Mujer)
Male (Hombre)
Not Provided (No proporcionado)
Hispanic or Latino (Hispano o latino) NOT Hispanic or Latino(NO Hispano o Latino) Unknown (Desconocido) Not Reported (No Reportado) Hispanic or Latino (Hispano o latino)
NOT Hispanic or Latino(NO Hispano o Latino)
Unknown (Desconocido)
Not Reported (No Reportado)
Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaska Native White Other Race Unknown / Not Reported Asian
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
American Indian or Alaska Native
Other Race
Unknown / Not Reported
Utah Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Phone numberNumero de teléfono
* must provide value
Include Area Code
Please provide the email where you would like test results sent. The email provided will be used to send a secure email containing results from the test.
Por favor, proporcione el email donde quiere que se le envíen los resultados de la prueba. El email proporcionado será usado para enviar un email seguro con los resultados de la prueba.
* must provide value
Confirm Email Address:Confirme la dirección de e-mail:
* must provide value
If you attend a school, please select one:
* must provide value
Bear River Health Department (No School Association) Alice C. Harris Intermediate School (BoxElder) Adele C. Young Intermediate School (BoxElder) Bear River High (BoxElder) Box Elder High (BoxElder) Bear River Middle School (BoxElder) Box Elder Middle School (BoxElder) Century Elementary (BoxElder) Discovery Elementary (BoxElder) District Office (BoxElder) Fielding Elementary (BoxElder) Foothill Elementary (BoxElder) Garland Elementary (BoxElder) Grouse Creek School (BoxElder) Lake View Elementary (BoxElder) McKinley Elementary (BoxElder) Mountain View Elementary (BoxElder) North Park Elementary (BoxElder) Park Valley School (BoxElder) Snowville Elementary (BoxElder) Sunrise High School (BoxElder) Three Mile Creek Elementary (BoxElder) Willard Elementary (BoxElder) Adams Elementary (Logan) Bridger Elementary (Logan) Ellis Elementary (Logan) Hillcrest Elementary (Logan) Wilson Elementary (Logan) Woodruff Elementary (Logan) Mount Logan Middle School (Logan) Logan High School (Logan) Logan District Office (Logan) Promontory School of Expeditionary Learning (Charter/Tech) Edith Bowen Lab School (Charter/Tech) Thomas Edison South (Charter/Tech) Thomas Edison North (Charter/Tech) Bear River Charter School (Charter/Tech) Centers for Creativity, Innovation & Discovery (Charter/Tech) Fast Forward (Charter/Tech) Athenian E-Academy (Charter/Tech) In Tech Academy (Charter/Tech) Bridgerland Applied Technology College (Charter/Tech) Leadership Academy of Utah (Charter/Tech) District Office (Rich) North Rich Elementary (Rich) Rich High (Rich) Rich Middle School (Rich) South Rich Elementary (Rich) Birch Creek Elementary (Cache) Cache High School (Cache) Canyon Elementary (Cache) Cedar Ridge Elementary (Cache) District Office (Cache) Green Canyon High School (Cache) Greenville Elementary (Cache) Heritage Elementary (Cache) Lewiston Elementary (Cache) Lincoln Elementary (Cache) Millville Elementary (Cache) Mountain Crest High School (Cache) Mountainside Elementary (Cache) Nibley Elementary (Cache) North Cache Middle School (Cache) North Park Elementary (Cache) Providence Elementary (Cache) Ridgeline High School (Cache) River Heights Elementary (Cache) Sky View High School (Cache) South Cache Middle School (Cache) Spring Creek Middle School (Cache) Summit Elementary (Cache) Sunrise Elementary (Cache) Wellsville Elementary (Cache) White Pine Elementary(Cache) None
If you do not attend one of the listed schools, please select 'Bear River Health Department'
View equation
Email addresses do not match, in order to receive your test result over email you must confirm your email address.
Individual type:
* must provide value
K-12 Student
K-12 Staff/ Teacher
K-12 Student
K-12 Staff/ Teacher
Community member/ Other
Does the individual have any known exposure to COVID-19 from someone outside of the school in the last 14 days?
* must provide value
Yes No Unknown
Was the contact:
* must provide value
Household Contact Community-associated Contact (Social gatherings, friends, restaurants, stores, etc) Workplace Contact Healthcare-associated (Patient, visitor, or healthcare worker) Other_Other contact
Was the individual notified by the school of a COVID-19 exposure in the last 14 days?
* must provide value
Do you have any of the following symptoms?
¿Tiene alguno de los siguientes síntomas?
Fever or chills (Fiebre o escalofríos), cough (Tos), shortness of breath or difficulty breathing (Falta de aliento o dificultad para respirar), fatigue (Fatiga), muscle or body aches (Dolores musculares o corporales), headache (Dolor de cabeza), new loss of taste or smell (Nueva pérdida de gusto u olor), sore throat (Dolor de garganta), congestion or runny nose (Congestión o secreción nasal), nausea or vomiting (Náuseas o vómitos, diarrea), diarrhea
* must provide value
Yes (Si)
Unknown (Desconocido)
Yes (Si)
Unknown (Desconocido)
Please select all symptoms:
* must provide value
When did symptoms begin?
* must provide value
Today D-M-Y
In the past 7 days, which dates did the individual attend school?
* must provide value
Did the individual:
* must provide value
Select all that apply
In the past week, did the individual ride a bus?
* must provide value
If yes, which bus number and/or driver name?
* must provide value
Yes (Si)
Have you tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 90 days?¿Ha salido positivo en la prueba de COVID-19 en los últimos 90 días?
Yes (Si)
Have you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Yes (Si)
Has it been at least two weeks since your final dose?
Yes (Si)
I consent to receive my COVID-19 test result through a secure email. If I do not consent, I can receive a paper result at the testing location.Doy mi consentimiento para recibir el resultado de mi prueba de COVID-19 a través de un correo electrónico seguro. Si no doy mi consentimiento, puedo recibir el resultado en papel en el lugar de la prueba.
I Consent (Doy mi consentimiento)
I Consent (Doy mi consentimiento)
*** Your email address is not confirmed. If you would like to receive your test result over email, please verify your email address is correct and and confirmed.