The Utah-Wyoming Maternal Mortality Review Committee (MMRC) and the Utah Infant Mortality Review Committee (IMRC) conduct interdisciplinary reviews of maternal and perinatal infant deaths. The goal of the committees is to prevent maternal and infant deaths. Committee members include health care providers, social workers, public health professionals, community leaders, and many others with expertise needed to determine the contributing factors to the deaths and to generate recommendations that may prevent such deaths in the future.

Information about an identified death is gathered from death and birth certificates, medical records, autopsy reports, and other pertinent sources of information. Records are abstracted by a trained abstractor and de-identified case summaries are reviewed by the committee. The review process is intended to be educational and prevention-oriented.

The purpose of this application is to select members of the committees. Members will be asked to attend virtual meetings every other month and occasional in-person gatherings, and to sign a confidentiality agreement and other relevant documents. They will also need to attend trainings to equip them to perform their committee work.

Your application will be scored based on your answers to the questions, including how well you describe your experience as it relates to the position(s) you are applying for, how likely you are to contribute to the goals of the committee(s), and how enthusiastic you are about joining.

Once all applications are scored, a subset of applicants will move on to a brief 30 minute interview. From there, one applicant for each open position will be selected as a new committee member.

The deadline to submit this application is April 15, 2024. If you have any questions, contact Suzanne Smith at

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